Objectives and thematic scope
Scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences” acts as a link between scientists and readers, providing them with the opportunity to communicate and open access to information. The main goal of the journal is to publish high-quality and modern scientific data on economics, which will be available to a wide range of readers, useful for the development of scientific directions, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, will be able to provide answers to questions to broaden horizons. According to the open access policy, immediately after the release of the next issue of the journal, all published works are posted on the website of the Bulletin. The full texts of these articles are available for review, without any fees or special conditions. . Access to articles is unlimited, they can be found on the official website of the journal. The journal is indexed in international scientometric databases and seeks to expand their list.
The mission of the journal is to provide an opportunity to publish the results of scientific research of undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists in order to involve talented youth from Russia and other countries in the global scientific information space, as well as to popularize current trends in exact, natural and humanitarian sciences among young people.
- economic sciences
- legal sciences
The journal is not included in the list of HAC, however, articles published in the journal are taken into account by HAC as a printed work when defending dissertations and obtaining an academic title.
The journal adheres to the Open Access policy. All articles are posted indefinitely and free of charge immediately after the issue. Full-text access to the journal is presented on the official website of the journal.
Metadata is exported to open repositories of scientific information: Google Scholar (full compliance with the publication requirements for scientific works), Crossref, Wordcat, Elibrary (in the registration process), UlrichsWeb (in the registration process), Index Copernicus (in the registration process).
Dear Authors! We draw your attention to the fact that links to those published articles in the journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences” should be formatted as follows:
- Citation in Russian: Dmitrenko V.V. Business plan is one of the methods of strategic planning // Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences. 2015. No. 1. S. 40-42.
- Citation in English: Dmitrenko V.V. Business plan - one of the methods of strategic planning. Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences. 2015; (1): 40-42. (In Russ.)