• Sergey Lvovich Alekseev Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel
  • Yulia Sergeevna Sergeeva
  • Nikolay Mikhailovich Yakushkin Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel,
  • Sergey Gennadievich Gordeev Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Darenkov Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel,
Keywords: National security, economic security, public procurement, sole supplier, competitive environment, corruption, emergencies.


The article discusses the features of risk management of public procurement threats to national and economic
security in the context of forced global modern challenges. The analysis of the specifics of the comparative
importance of risks according to various criteria for the quality of public procurement in a stable economic
environment and in emergency situations and special military operations is carried out. It is proved that if urgent
public procurement is necessary in the interests of national and economic security, the criterion of developing a
competitive environment through stimulating competitive procurement procedures should give way to
purposefulness, efficiency, minimizing the risk of supply disruption or substandard supplies. For this purpose,
further liberalization of procurement practices from a single supplier with simultaneous strengthening of control
mechanisms is proposed, which will ensure the fulfillment of state tasks of particular importance.

Author Biographies

Sergey Lvovich Alekseev, Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, vice-rector for research,

Yulia Sergeevna Sergeeva

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor,

Nikolay Mikhailovich Yakushkin, Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel,

doctor of economics, professor, chief researcher

Sergey Gennadievich Gordeev, Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel

postgraduate student at the department of economics,
accounting and social sciences and humanities

Alexander Alexandrovich Darenkov, Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel,

postgraduate student at the department of economics,
accounting and social sciences and humanities


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How to Cite
Alekseev, Sergey Lvovich, Yulia Sergeevna Sergeeva, Nikolay Mikhailovich Yakushkin, Sergey Gennadievich Gordeev, and Alexander Alexandrovich Darenkov. 2023. “LIBERALIZATION OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AS A FACTOR OF ENSURING NATIONAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 03-07.