• Ekaterina Alexandrovna Kostenyuk "Russian State University of Justice".
Keywords: publicity, constitutionality, openness, criminal procedure, information technology.


In the article, the author presents an essential analysis of the legal nature of publicity as one of the
constitutional fundamental foundations of criminal justice.
The key manifestations of publicity in the criminal proceedings of the Russian Federation are analyzed. The
contradictions arising between theoretically fixed normative provisions and their practical implementation are
revealed. The features and problems associated with the use of this category in the judicial process are identified.
The author's view on the concept and content of the legal phenomenon under study is given, his own definition is
formulated. And in practical examples, legislative nuances that need clarification are indicated.
The author comes to the conclusion that the current version of the article of the criminal procedure law
regulating the phenomenon of publicity of criminal proceedings no longer meets the modern realities and
requirements of law enforcement practice, especially in the conditions of permanently developing information
technologies and achievements of modern scientific progress.
In this regard, he proposes to fix its definition in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as
one judicial constitutional beginning of the entire criminal process as a whole, as well as a separate article of the
general rules of its application in order to overcome the legal vacuum in the field of information security of its

Author Biography

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Kostenyuk, "Russian State University of Justice".

Assistant Judge of the Orenburg District Court of the Orenburg region.
Post-graduate student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education


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How to Cite
Kostenyuk, Ekaterina Alexandrovna. 2023. “PROBLEMS OF REFORMING GLASNOST AS ONE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 16-20.