• R.G Leontiev Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Logistics, modern concepts, levels of systems development, educational publications, education, scientific and practical contradictions.


The article presents an analysis of the third part of the second version of the presentation of the stages of the
genesis of the concept of modern logistics, which is based on the description of logistics systems of four levels of
development, set out in educational publications. As a result of this analysis, semantic contradictions of a research
and editorial nature are unacceptable for the literature of higher and secondary vocational education

Author Biography

R.G Leontiev, Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

doctor of Economics, professor,
chief Researcher


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9. Leont'ev R.G., Arhipova Ju.A. Logistika gornogo dela (integrirovannye sistemy): monografija / R.G. Leont'ev, Ju.A. Arhipova. – Vladivostok: Izdatel'stvo Dal'nevost. federal. un-ta, 2021. – 200 s.
10. Leont'ev R.G., Arhipova Ju.A. Logistika gornogo dela (ocenka racional'nosti): monografija / R.G. Leont'ev, Ju.A. Arhipova. – Vladivostok: Izdatel'stvo Dal'nevost. federal. un-ta, 2021. – 256 s.
How to Cite
Leontiev, R.G. 2022. “PART 3. LEVELS OF SYSTEM EVOLUTION LOGISTICS: CONTRADICTIONS REVEALED (14,15”. EurasianUnionScientists, July, 03-07.