• T. Konovalova The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Keywords: Electronic transactions, electronic commerce, digital rights, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, problems of law enforcement


This article is devoted to the issues of legal regulation and enforcement in the field of digital transactions and electronic commerce. Legislative acts at the international and national level are considered, the main ideas of the development of legislation and the field of legal regulation of electronic commerce, signs of a digital transaction, and problems of law enforcement are identified.

Author Biography

T. Konovalova , The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Associate Professor of the Department of Customs Administration of the Faculty of Economic Security and Customs 


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6. Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 12.11.2013 No. 18002/12 in case No. A47-7950/2011. [Electronic resource]. URL: 50541280-07f7-48b2-b0c0-8d561b047348 (date of appeal: 29.20.2021).
7. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 57 dated December 26, 2017 «On some issues of the application of legislation regulating the use of documents in electronic form in the activities of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts».
8. Ruling of the First Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction No. 88-22889/2020 dated 30.10.2020. [Electronic resource]. URL: ne.cgi?req=doc&base=KSOJ001&n=29796#kpzNloSyKEMzrWfm (date of application: 30.10.2021).
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URL: (accessed: 10/30/2021).
How to Cite
Konovalova , T. 2022. “DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS: MODERN LEGAL REGULATION AND LAW ENFORCEMENT ”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 15-19.