• A. Mirsaidov Institute of Economics and Demography National Academy of Tajikistan
  • Sh. Shamsullozoda Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Keywords: insurance institute, insurance sector of the economy, insurance business, government, government regulation of insurance activities, institutional structure, institutional support, regulation, etc.


The article analyzes the growth trends of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan, which accompanied the development of the insurance institution as one of the components of the economic infrastructure. The specific features of insurance business, trends in the formation and development of the institutional structure and a high level of institutional relations in this type of activity are revealed. It is substantiated that at the present stage of the development of the republic, the state regulation of insurance activities has turned into a complex system of regulation, covering various blocks of relations, both regarding the creation and use of insurance funds, and related to the functioning of various structures of economic institutions, which requires the appropriate type of institutional provision regulation.


Author Biographies

A. Mirsaidov , Institute of Economics and Demography National Academy of Tajikistan

Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, deputy director

Sh. Shamsullozoda , Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

candidate of economic sciences, Associate professor of the department of public financial management


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How to Cite
Mirsaidov , A., and Sh. Shamsullozoda. 2022. “INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT FOR STATE REGULATION OF INSURANCE BUSINESS IN TAJIKISTAN ”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 49-55.