The article examines the evolution of approaches and methods for assessing the impact of the financial market on economic growth. A retrospective analysis of the scientific process of cognition of both the formation of the financial market as a system of a set of segments and the formation of a set of methods for assessing its impact on economic growth as a whole, as well as on accelerating the transition to an innovative type of development, the formation of new enterprises and industries, etc. It is revealed that the functioning and growth of the maturity of the financial market not only has positive effects on the economy, but also negative consequences are possible in the form of the formation of financial bubbles, systemic risks leading to a recession and even to financial and economic crises. In this regard, it has been proved that it is important to have a set of methods for assessing the impact of the financial market on the economy, allowing to identify and implement both preventive measures and measures that support and stimulate sustainable economic growth.
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