The Article is devoted to the peculiarities of regulation of the administrative commissions. The legislator has imposed on the subjects of the Russian Federation the obligation to adopt laws on the granting of separate state powers to administrative commissions. As a result, administrative commissions are given different status in different regions of the country. This indicates the need to address the existing problems of legal regulation.
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Dyachkova, S. N. Administrativnye komissii v municipalnyh obrazovaniyah: funkcionirovanie i organizaciya deyatelnosti / S. N. Dyachkova // Aktualnye problemy sovremennoj nauki: vzglyad molodyh: nauch.-praktich. konf. – Chelyabinsk: YuUIUE, 2018. – S. 234-242.
Makarcev, A. A. O pravovom statuse administrativnyh komissij / A. A. Makarcev // Aktualnye problemy administrativnoj otvetstvennosti: materialy nauch.-praktich. konf. – Omsk: Omskij yuridicheskij institut, 2019. – S. 198-203.
Podshivalov, V. E. Pravovoj status administrativnyh komissij v subekte Rossijskoj Federacii / V. E. Podshivalov // Vestnik instituta zakonodatelstva i pravovoj informacii im. M. M. Speranskogo. – 2017. – № 1. – S. 43-54.
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