• S. Adilkhodzhayeva University of World Economics and Diplomacy, Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: principles of international law, priorities of foreign policy, stability and security of Central Asia, multi-vector foreign policy, international relations


The worthy place of the state in the international arena in the modern world depends on a number of factors, but first of all, on the consistently pursued foreign policy of the country. For more than 30 years of independent development, Uzbekistan has acquired a well-deserved prestige in the world community, thanks to a consistently comprehensively balanced, pragmatic foreign policy. The article analyzes article 17 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the Concept of Foreign Policy Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author substantiates, on the basis of analysis and concrete facts, that Uzbekistan is pursuing a peace-loving foreign policy.

Author Biography

S. Adilkhodzhayeva , University of World Economics and Diplomacy, Republic of Uzbekistan

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of Department


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How to Cite
Adilkhodzhayeva , S. 2021. “LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AND MAIN DIRECTIONS OF OPEN FOREIGN POLICY OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN ”. EurasianUnionScientists, December, 33-37. https://econ-law.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/772.