• G. Jaxybekova "Almaty Management University"
  • E. Kablanov "Almaty Management University"
Keywords: method, valuation, cost, income, cash flow, profit, valuation activity, business valuation, dividends, multipliers.


Modern conditions determine the need for the replacement of property and the formation of specific conditions for assessing the value of assets. Business value is an important valuation indicator that forms an objective assessment and affects competitiveness. Any financial procedures, whether it is investing, sale and purchase of assets, or guaranteeing operations, collateralized lending, include valuation. The article discusses the main approaches to assessing the value of a business: profitable, comparative, and costly, and identifies their specific features. Specific recommendations for improving business valuation are given.

Author Biographies

G. Jaxybekova , "Almaty Management University"

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

E. Kablanov , "Almaty Management University"



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How to Cite
Jaxybekova , G., and E. Kablanov. 2021. “BUSINESS VALUE ASSESSMENT: METHODOLOGY AND PRACTICE ”. EurasianUnionScientists, June, 9-15.