The article analyzes the features of the evaluation of social projects, presents concepts of evaluation of social projects, describes methods of evaluation of social projects taking into account social effect, characterizes each of the methods of evaluation of social projects, noted as a characteristic of abandoning the resource-oriented approach to evaluating the effectiveness of projects and moving to a value-oriented approach.
Boronina, L.N. Modelirovanie tehnologii ocenki socialnyh proektov: podhody i metody. /
L. N. Boronina, E. E. Lajkovskaya, Z. V. Senuk // Aktualnye problemy sociologii molodezhi, kultury, obrazovaniya i upravleniya: materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Ekaterinburg, 28 fevralya 2014 g. – Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2014. – T. 4. – S. 37-45.
Sindyashkina E.N. Voprosy ocenki vidov socialnogo effekta pri realizacii socialnyh proektov // Problemy prognozirovaniya — №1, 2017. S.140-147.
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